Neato D6 vs. D7 Connected

Control your vacuum from anywhere in the world!

Neato smart vacuums are a great addition to any household. With their unique features such as scheduling, remote control, and even voice control, it makes everyday cleaning so much easier. You can have your floors vacuumed before you even get home from the office, via the Neato app. Or simply tell them to vacuum the living room, from anywhere inside your home.

Neato Robotics is at the front lines of the development of new and cutting-edge features, as well as the improvement of automated cleaning devices for your home. With their newest line up being more advanced than ever.

Both Neato D6 and D7 will provide great benefits for your home, with the exception of Zone Control, which is only compatible with Neato D7.

Be sure to check out this Neato D6 vs. D7 comarison to see which one suits your home best. Feel free to skip down to any part, by using our navigation system.

Neato D6 vs. D7 Connected — Things in Common

Neato D7 pet friendly

  • Laser Mapping – This useful technology allows your Neato to carefully navigate and map your home. Allowing it to avoid hitting objects, and clean in straight lines, rather than randomly, offering a much better cleaning system. LaserSmart Technology also lets your Neato see in the dark too. Meaning you can even have it vacuum during the night, so you can wake up to nice, and dust-free floors.

  • Virtual ‘No Go’ Lines – You can block off certain areas in your home, in which you don’t want your robot getting into. Using virtual ‘No Go’ lines via your app, you can mark off certain spots that should be Neato free. So you won’t have to worry about your robot getting stuck in a pile of toys, or knocking over your pet bowls. If you prefer, you also have the option of including Boundary Markers (2M). These strips work the same way, except you have to physically stick them onto the floor.

  • Run Time – Both Neato D6 and D7 offer an extended run time of up to 120 minutes. This amount of time is great if you have large and open spaces, as they can be cleaned in one go. This feature is also ideal if you are in a hurry to get your floors done and don’t want to wait around for your Neato to finish up.

  • Side Brush – By using the side brush, your robot will be able to get deep into the corners and edges in one pass. So you won’t have to worry about having to go over them yourself after. This is especially useful in spots where most dirt is collected, such as where you have a shoe rack or pantry.

  • Unique ‘D’ shaped form – Its unique ‘D’ shaped design, allows your Neato to get deeper into corners and closer to walls. Rather than round shaped models, this design is better suited for most homes. Both Neato D6 and D7 are only 3.9 inches tall, making them a better fit for navigating under furniture and cabinets.

  • Quick Charge Technology – Most smart vacuum robots, will do a full charge if they run out of battery during their cleaning. While the quick charge technology allows your Neato to finish its job even faster. Rather than having to wait mid-clean for your robot to fully charge up again, this handy feature allows your Neato to get just enough of a boost required to finish its job, before going back to its base to finish charging.

  • No More Pet Hair – Win the battle against pet hair! All pet owners know how difficult it can be to keep your floors and carpets dirt and hair-free. Yet with your Neato D6 and D7, you can capture more dirt, allergens, and hair with their improved core brush, ultra-performance filters, and side brushes. It’s also worth to note, that both Neato models have almost a 70% larger brush than other top robots, making your floor cleaning even more powerful.

  • Smart Control – Control your Neato from absolutely anywhere via Neato app. You can schedule to have your floors cleaned before you arrive home from work or as you are leaving. You can also set up daily scheduling through your smartphone, Apple Watch, Amazon Echo, or Google Home.which allows you to set specific times of when you want your floors cleaned, in case you forget.

    Both Neato D6 and D7 also connect with Alexa, and Google Assistant, allowing you to use voice control at home. How great it is after an accidental spill, to simply tell your Neato to clean your kitchen? And the best part is, you don’t have to press any buttons to do it!

  • ‘Find Me’ Feature – It can happen, your Neato ran into some trouble and you’re not quite sure where it is. With the ‘Find Me’ technology, you can locate your robot via the app. All you have to do is press the ‘robot’ icon on the Neato app dashboard, and the Neato will start beeping continuously for 5 seconds, giving you enough time to locate it.

  • Eco & Turbo Mode feature – Both Neato D6 and D7 have two additional modes, Turbo, and Eco.

    Turbo mode is very powerful and a little loud too. This mode is perfect to use on carpets, as it’s strong suction will be able to collect more dirt, dust, and hair.

    While Eco mode is more gentle and quiet, it will still give you a thorough cleaning. Though it may take a little longer to clean your floors, due to its lower suction power. This feature might be best suited when you’re out, so it will still provide you with clean floors, with less energy being used.

  • Full Bin Indicator – With the full bin indicator feature, you’ll always be in the know of your bin status. Though it’s not as advanced as some of the advanced Roomba models, with their automatic bin disposal. Yet it’s still useful to get notified of when to empty your Neato out, rather than be continuously checking yourself.

Neato D6 vs. D7— Differences

Neato D7 carpet

  • Difference #1: Zone Cleaning – There are always a few select areas in your home, that always seem to need that extra attention when it comes to keeping it clean. With Neato D7, you can select specific zones in which you want your robot to pay extra attention to. You can create your own schedule, of when it needs to be cleaned. All you have to do is open the Neato app, and create a special cleaning zone. Unfortunately, Neato D6 doesn’t have this handy feature.

  • Difference #2: Price – The price difference between Neato D6 and D7 is very slight. With Neato D6 being a little cheaper. Yet both offer fantastic cleaning features and will work hard to keep your floors clean.

Neato D6 vs. D7 — Comparison Chart

Neato D6 Connected Neato D7 Connected
LaserMapping and Navigation Yes Yes
Virtual ‘No Go’ Boundaries Yes Yes
Floor Plans Up to 3 Up to 3
Filter type Ultra Performance Ultra Performance
Brush Spiral Combo Brush Spiral Combo Brush
Side brush Yes Yes
Battery Lithium Ion Lithium Ion
Quick Charge  Yes Yes
Remote Control Yes Yes
Zone Cleaning No Yes
Turbo Cleaning Yes Yes
Run Time Up to 120 mins. Up to 120 mins.
WiFi Yes Yes
Scheduling Yes Yes
Apple Watch Support Yes Yes
Voice Control Alexa & Google Assistant Alexa & Google Assistant
Recharge & Resume Yes Yes
Cleaning Summary Yes Yes
Coverage Maps Yes Yes
Find Me Yes Yes
Full bin indicator Yes Yes
Turbo Mode Yes Yes
Height 3.9 inches 3.9 inches
Weight 7.5 lbs. 7.5 lbs.
Manual Control via LCD Display No No

Neato D6 vs. D7 Connected — Accessories

Neato Botvac D Series Ultra Performance Filter

When it comes to accessories for your Neato, most of the extra additions are centered around the maintenance of your robot.

Which is very important, if you want to keep them in a good condition for a much longer period of time.

It’s good to include a Neato Brush Kit, especially if you have pets at home, or some allergy sensitivities. This kit includes a Combo Brush which provides superior cleaning of pet hair. As well as 2 side brushes which keep your robot cleaning close to walls, and deeper into corners. While the cleaning tool allows you to keep your brush and filters clean.

If you wish to have physical boundaries in your home, check out the Neato Boundary marker. These strips will keep your Neato from going into places it shouldn’t. You can put them down wherever you want, and block off any space in your home.

Neato D6 vs. D7 Connected — Our Thoughts

Neato D7 floor carpet

As you can see, both Neato D6 Connected and D7 have some very close similarities. Both offer superb cleaning technology and have some great features that will further continue to enhance your experience.

Technology such as Turbo and Eco mode will allow you to have absolute control of how you want your floors to be cleaned, with the option of cutting down on energy costs too.

The only difference being between the two is the Neato D7 Zone control feature. This useful technology allows you to specifically set certain areas that need to be cleaned regularly, via the Neato app.

With such a little difference in the total price and the great addition of zone control, it seems like Neato D7 could be the best option for any home.

Last update on 2024-05-04 at 00:56 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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