iRobot Roomba e5 vs. e6

Wake up to freshly swept floors with the iRobot Roomba!

Having a Roomba in your home is a great way to both keep your floors clean, as well as your pets entertained.

Not only the Roomba vacuums clean your hardwood floors and carpets diligently, but they also come with in-built dirt sensors, voice control technology with Google and Alexa, coverage maps and more, ensuring that the important areas are tackled first.

Additionally, through the iRobot Home app you can also schedule cleanings that allow you to arrive home to freshly cleaned floors after a long hard day at work.

Today we’ll be looking at both iRobot Roomba e5 and e6 to see which best fits in your home, here is the fact though, they are both almost identical! So read on to see where the difference lies.

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iRobot Roomba e5 vs. e6 — Things in Common

  • iAdapt 2.0 – Both iRobot Roomba e5 and e6 use the iAdapt Localization Cameras in order to map out your home to ensure complete coverage, meaning that it won’t miss out on any spots, and will be able to navigate around your furniture with ease.

    For an added peace of mind, It’s worth mentioning that it won’t record any footage or images, nor will they be shared with iRobot or third parties.

  • 3-Stage Cleaning System – Ensure that your floors and carpets are spotless with Roomba’s e5 and e6 3-Stage Cleaning System function.

    It does so by using its dual multi-surface brushes, specifically designed edge-sweeping brush and a power 5x suction power to get deep into the dirt and debris.

    The edge-sweeping brush will ensure that your smart vacuum can get into those tight corners that tend dirt tends to get stuck in, and it’s impressive 5x suction power will be able to dislodge even the toughest dirt, debris, and hair from your carpets and hardwood floors.

    Additionally, if you love the idea of a smart robot that not only vacuums your floors but mops them as well, you should check out the Braava Jet M6, which does both in a very efficient way.

  • Tackle Pet Hair – For the pet owners out there, you’ll be happy to know that iRobot Roomba e5 and e6 are designed with you in mind.

    As we know our furry friends tend to shed quite a lot at particular times of the year, so you’ll be glad to know that your new Roomba has been created to pick up more pet hair than other models, all while preventing tangles from forming on the brushes from the excess fur.

    The rubber design brushes usually don’t tangle as much as the traditional bristle brushes and paired with the power-lifting suction, work had to lift off any clumps of fur, and keep them contained within the unit.

  • Dirt Detections Sensors – Because both Roombas have in-built dirt detection sensors, they will know exactly where they need to go. So they can tackle big spills without you having to direct it.

  • Cliff Sensors – Don’t worry about your Roomba tumbling down the stairs, with its cliff sensor technology!

    It will cleverly be able to detect ledges or stairs, allowing it to steer away from those dangerous zones.

  • Voice Control – How fun would it be to control your Roomba e5 & e6 using nothing but your voice? Well, you can! Both smart vacuums can be integrated with both Alexa and Google Assistant. Which in turn allows you to ask your Roomba to clean your home without having to tap any buttons!

  • iRobot Home app – Use the iRobot Home app to schedule cleaning and turn your iRobot on and off.

    This app can be downloaded on all iOS and Android smart devices and offers you a great way to be in control of your smart vacuum.

    We particularly like the scheduling feature, which allows you to either come home or wake up to freshly vacuumed carpets and floors every single day is you wish.

  • Run Time – Both iRobot Roomba e5 and e6 have a run time of up to 90 minutes per charge. This is ideal for most homes, and you won’t have to worry about leaving your Roomba working away as you leave for work.

    Additionally, when it detects its battery running low it will pop back into its base to charge up again ready for the next use.

  • Washable Collection Bin – The iRobot Roomba e5 and e6 bin can hold up to 0.7L of dust, dirt, and debris, and is larger than most Roomba models who tend to have either 0.3 or 0.5L capacity.

    The second handy thing about the bin is the fact that it’s washable. Meaning that you can simply run it under warm water in order to clean it.

    However, it’s important to note that it’s not dishwasher safe, so please don’t put it there.

    Additionally, it’s worth mentioning that the Roomba i7+ comes with a self-cleaning bin base that can empty the dustbin from the vacuum on its own, and you can also use it up to 30 times before it needs to be emptied out!

  • Size – Both Roombas have identical dimensions of 13.3 x 13.3 x 3.6 inches.Their signature round design work well in fitting under furniture, and whizzing around table legs and chairs. It’s also a great seat for your cat too!

iRobot Roomba e5 vs. e6 — Differences

iRobot Roomba E5-extra

  • Difference #1: Accessories – The main difference between the two Roombas, is the fact that Roomba e6 comes with a couple more accessories included that the e5 model.

    For example, The Roomba e5 comes with a single virtual wall barrier, which enables you to block off certain areas in your home where you don’t want your smart vacuum getting into, such as the spot you keep your pet food bowls or fragile floor ornaments.

    While Roomba e6 comes with two! So if you feel like one is not enough, you won’t need to spend a whole lot to get another one.

    Additionally, both vacuums come with a high-efficiency filter installed and are very useful for homes with allergy concerns or pets.

    These filters will capture particles down to an impressive three microns in size, while also effectively removing up to 99% of pollen, mold, pet dander, and mildew.

    Purchasing new filters should be done regularly, however, an extra filter which is already included with Roomba e6, saves you almost an entire year without having to buy a new one.

  • Difference #2: Color – Another way in which both models differ is in color.

    The iRobot Roomba e5 comes in a simple black tone that fits in well with most home designs, ye the e6 model comes in a more black & tan chic finish, which adds both a modern and aesthetic feel to your household.

iRobot Roomba e5 vs. e6 — Comparison Chart

iRobot Roomba e5 iRobot Roomba e6
iAdapt 2.0 2.0
iRobot Home app Yes Yes
Run Time Up to 90 Minutes Up to 90 Minutes
Washable Collection Bin Yes Yes
Dirt Detection Sensors Yes Yes
Brushless Mechanism Yes Yes
Edge-Sweeping Brush Yes Yes
3-Stage Cleaning System 5x Suction 5x Suction
Virtual Wall Barriers Comes w/1 Comes w/2
Cliff Sensors Yes Yes
Cleaning Schedules Yes Yes
Coverage Maps Yes Yes
Alexa & Google Assistant Voice Control Yes Yes
Filter High-efficiency (1 installed) High-efficiency (2 included)
Color Black on Black Tan on Black
Size 13.3 x 13.3 x 3.6 inches 13.3 x 13.3 x 3.6 inches

iRobot Roomba e5 vs. e6 — Accessories

iRobot Roomba E5-extra-1

As we already mentioned before, Roomba e6 comes with a whole lot more accessories included, so if you still prefer opting for a budget-friendly e5 model, you have the option of adding an extra virtual wall barrier to protect those higher risk spots.

As well as an additional replacement filter to ensure those pesky outdoor and pet allergens are caught.

Additionally, make sure both of your Roombas are well maintained with this Cleaning Replenishment Kit for the Roomba® e and i Series, which comes with 3 high-efficiency filters,1 set of dual multi-surface rubber brushes, and 3 edge-sweeping brushes.

Lastly, make sure not to miss out on the Replacement Lithium-Ion Battery when the time comes to pick up a new one.

iRobot Roomba e5 vs. e6 — Our Thoughts

iRobot Roomba E5-extra-2

In the end, when it comes to choosing between Roomba e6 and e5, you are basically purchasing the same vacuum, that’s equipped with almost the same hardware and software.

The only notable difference between the two is the extra accessories included with Roomba e6 and the difference in color tones.

However, for those on a tighter budget, the Roomba e5 is a great option to go for and you can add on the extra accessories later on if you wish.

Otherwise, iRobot Roomba e6 with its extra high-efficiency filter and virtual wall barriers is a good option to go for.

Last update on 2024-05-01 at 22:00 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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